Stitching & Quilting Away

I've been keeping busy this week getting quilts done before deadline. I have 4 ready to deliver this weekend.

In all my spare time ;) I've been working on a layout for a Snail Trail quilt. I chose the design and directions from the web. I laid out all the pieces on the floor in our bedroom and took several photos of it to help me remember exactly where each piece goes. Since every block is different, I would never remember how to piece it correctly without some kind of guide.

This is a scrap quilt using up some of my stash. It amazes me that every project that I make to "use up my stash" hardly makes a dent in the stash! I am finding however, that I have less "useable pieces" in my stash now. Time to go shopping :D

I am down to 2 basic colors of fabric - blues and greens. I really need to purchase more neutrals, yellows, purples, oranges, reds, etc.

In my basement studio, there are a couple of pieces of plywood nailed up on the outside wall. I plan to cover that area with batting and flannel to make a design wall. Right now I have my batting rack in front of that plywood area, so I have to find another place to move that rack and still have it in a convenient location for the quilting machine. A design wall is becoming more and more essential in my work and is something I need to get set up soon.
Once I get the Snail Trail quilt done, I'm on to a Rhapsody Quilt! A very ambitious project for me. Stay tuned!


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