Studio Changes

I spent the weekend moving things around in my basement studio to make it more user friendly. My batting rack was blocking the design board so I had moved it infront of the storage shelves temporarily. I finally got around to moving that so the shelves were accessible again.

I also cleaned off the drafting table so I can use that for cutting fabric.

The walls still need drywall or some other material to finish them off, but that will be a summer project - or a fall project depending on how busy we are this summer. In the meantime, I plan to staple up bed sheets to cover the insulation. The basement is way to dreary for me and I'm finding myself avoiding quilting because of it. Time to do a quick fix on those walls!

I took some time last night to work on Barbara's seascape quilt again. I took it down off the design wall and trimmed it up. I know it looks trimmed in the photos I've posted, but that is because I cropped the photos :) It's squared up now. Of course I had to take off the pinned on appliques in order to do that. Today I'll have to see if I can get them back on in the correct positions.

I also spent time working on those clouds. I wanted to make them in 2-3 colors, so I cut out more appliques and fused them to the existing cloud shapes. I'll post more photos later once I get them back up on the background.


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