On the Road to Recovery

I'm trying very hard to be good and rest like I was told to do by my surgeon, but it's really hard for someone who doesn't like to be idle.

The surgery went well and the final report was benign! Praise the Lord! No thyroid cancer! Now I have to rest for a week before getting back to quilting on the machine or doing any heavy lifting - like lifting my DSM on to the kitchen table so I can sew.

In the meantime, I'm hand appliquing the landscape quilts that I glued together earlier and have finished 4 of the them now. I also read a Quilting Arts magazine and am halfway through a book about quilting :D "The Quilter's Apprentice". I haven't read any of Jennifer Chiaverini's books before, but they have caught my attention especially after being recommended by a "non-quilter" friend. So I splurged and bought 2 of the books the other one being "The Runaway Quilt". I couldn't find #2 and #3 in the book store, so I settled for #1 and #4. I prefer to read serials in order, but when you can't find them, what can you do? Eventually I'll find the others and get caught up on what happened between books #1 and #4, then go on to finish the series.

Back to applique :D



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