Slow Progress

This week has been filled with VBS so quilting has taken a backseat. I do have the Serenity Beach quilt on the machine and it is outline quilted. This is the quilt that is in the header of this blog. I'm using Hobb's 80/20 batting and the backing is a water/waves commericial print fabric that I've used to back other quilts with.

I did bind the Sunset Beach quilt on Saturday and it is now hanging up in my living room. I have yet to make the label for it.

Valerie Hearder, a major landscape quilt artist just had 2 suitcases filled with her quilted landscapes stolen this week. All the quilts are published and will not be able to be sold easily because if it, but it is still a tragedy. Hopefully she'll be able to recover her quilts. This is a good reminder to me to document and label all my quilts. I'm not the best at doing the labeling unfortunately. I do document with photos as I'm making my quilts, but I often forget to attach a label.

So guess what my project for the week is?



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