Christmas Rush

I hope everyone survived Black Friday this year. With the news coming in about shootings and tramplings, I'm glad I stayed home! I have only gone out once on the Friday after Thanksgiving to shop, and realized it wasn't my thing.

That said, I did go out Saturday and made a huge dent in my shopping. I'm also making several gifts this year so I've been spending lots of my spare time (whats that?) working on them. I have 2 quilts waiting for binding and another needed to be quilted and bound. I made a small purse for my youngest DD and plan on one for my oldest DD.

I have also crocheted dishcloths for a White Elephant gift for our Sunday School class. I love using them myself so if I had received them as a gift I would be thrilled, but I don't imagine everyone else feels the same - especially the men ;)

Then there are the 2 dozen snowflake ornaments that I have crocheted for our Christmas tree. I still need to starch them, though. Hopefully I'll get to that tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'll also start cutting out the pieces for a customer quilt. This is a 2nd quilt of the same kind of embroidered blocks for this customer that she is giving as gifts this year so I didn't post the photos of the first quilt I finished for her last month. I don't want to spoil the surprise for the recipient, but they are soooo cute! I'll post photos after Christmas.

I have another customer quilt coming in on Wednesday, so I'll be busy with quilting up to Christmas.

I'll try to post photos tomorrow.



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