Colored Wholecloth

This is the project I completed after taking Irena Bluhm's class at MQS last week. This is a wholecloth quilt (miniature sized) made by Irena. We added the color with colored pencils and then treated the colored areas with textile medium. I was sooooo much fun! I'm hooked.


Quilt Rat said…
This looks amazing! I Love it, can't wait to see what you do with this technique next.
Ginny said…
Oh that is wonderful! I can't wait to see more. How long did it take you to do?
Thanks for sharing
I had sooo wanted to go to MQS and had I been, I would have been your classmate as this class was high up on my wish list. you did a beautiful job! can't wait to try this. Congrads also on your ribbon! Way to go, a national celebrity! Well deserved my friend!
Anonymous said…
Outstanding, You do beautiful work.
Betty, MRQG member

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