Newest Hand-dyed Fabrics

This latest batch of hand-dyes didn't have any hidden images in them, but I like the way the colors are playing together. This is one of my favorites. I love the fuchsia against the orange.

This is a small piece - not quite fat-quarter size. I wish it was a larger piece so the band of purple would be larger. I'll have to try this color scheme again in a larger piece.

Another piece with fuchsia and orange. I was fairly pleased with this piece too.

Several other pieces did not turn out well and are currently being over-dyed. I'm anxious to see how they turn out. I'll be doing the wash-out tomorrow afternoon.


Vicki said…
love them. cant wait for the weather here to cool off enough for me to dye in the yard. I did my first dye back on Memorial day and was in the house. what a mess I had. but was fun.

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