Vintage Find

 While on a day trip yesterday, I stopped by an Anitque mall to stretch my legs and look around. I left with the chair on the left. The chair on the right has been in my family for ages. It was my Grandmother's chair and I've had it since the late 1970's. It has been reupholstered several times, and as you can see, I'm in the process of reupholstering it now.

The fabric laying on the seat is what I've chosen to reupholster the chair with. I'll have to find something to coordinate with it to reupholster the chair I just bought since I bought the end of the bolt. Finding something to coordinate shouldn't be too hard since this is a neutral color - it just needs to go with the new paint color in the room. Both chairs need the padding replaced, too. So I have my weekend project to work on.

The reason I bought this chair - actually it's a rocker - is because the turnings were the same as what my Grandmother's chair is made with. I don't know the age of either chair, or the style, so I'll have to do some research.


Betty said…
Great find. Can't wait to see them when you get them finished.
Linda said…
Those will be beautiful when you finish! I love old furniture.

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