Whole Cloth Applique - Progress Being Made

I've made some progress on the applique whole cloth quilt. The elements are all quilted using Glide thread in gold, including the motifs in the applique circles

I'm McTavishing the background of the area outside of the star. I'm about 3/4 of the way done with that section.

Ooops! I missed a section! I'll have to go back and get that.

I'm using Sew Fine 401 - white 50 wt. thread for the background filler. I'm still looking for a background filler for inside the star. I'll also do some background filler in the applique circles in the gold, but nothing too dense.

Once the quilting is complete, I'll soak out the blue pen marks, block the quilt and then add color to the motifs. I'm debating over colored pencil or ink. I'll have to do a few sample pieces before I commit.

Tomorrow I am leading an art quilter's group in a thread painting class. I'm looking forward to that. It should be lots of fun.


GerryART said…
I'm looking forward to our afternoon of thread painting also.

See you there.

Laura T said…
Thanks for posting your progress and thoughts as you are quilting. I've thought about taking Irena Bluhm's class and will take it when available the next time. I really like what you are doing. It also helps to see your marking and that it's not just all "freehand". I think I'll definitely do that the next time and will probably be happier with my quilting.
Laura T
Susan Loftin said…
Laura - I often mark on quilts. Most of the time it is just registration marks such as the spine of a feather. Other times I will mark out my idea of what I want to quilt in a block using chalk to see if it gives the affect I am wanting. Chalk is easy to brush off, or vacuum off so it is a great tool to use. With whole cloth quilts, I need something that will last longer and easy to see - that is why I use the water soluble pens.

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