Blizzard of 2011

The snow has stopped, the sun is shining now, and the snow is sparkling to the point of being blinding. Quite a change from yesterday when there were white-out conditions most of the day.
This is my front porch. The snow drifts covered the stairs and landing and piled up against the door.  

This is what I found at 6:30 this morning when I opened the door. Thats 30 inches of snow! There is 18" piled up against the back door, but luckily we can get out of the basement door and the garage door. My big dogs were up to their shoulders in the snow when I let them out this morning. 

Look how pretty the cedar grove is, though.

With temperatures due to drop below zero later today, the girls and I are going to start shoveling this morning. Hopefully we'll get some progress made. This is going to take days to clear out, though. At least the fridge is stocked and we have power!


Betty said…
We have the same problem. Drifts and unplowed streets. Spring won't be here any too soon.

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