Autumn Afternoon

The latest project for "Fancy Threads", the art quilters group in my guild, was thread painting trees. Here is my completed project. The piece was machine quilted on the longarm without a backing - using only the top, batting, and a layer of Decor Bond for stabilizer. The trees were thread painted using my domestic sewing machine.

I decided to use some rayon threads to give a bit of shine, and I experimented with using the zigzag stitch on my machine to do the thread painting. After ripping out the 2nd tree I stitched, the quilt looked much better. I had made the tree on the far left too wide, and the quilt was puckering. So I spent 2 hours ripping it out and started over. I like it much better now.

Next month we will be making quilted postcards. This group is soooo much fun! I'm having a blast!


GerryART said…
This is on BEAUTIFUL copse, Susan.

You've done a bang up job ripping out that tree trunk. Better than any landscape company I've seen 'round town.

Great job with the shading using a couple of colors.

Sooooo looking forward to Fancy Thread PostCards ! ! ! !

Sunday did me in, guess I was waaay tooo tense while thread sketching. Had to take a short nap in order to make it 'til bed time. :^)


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