Small Projects

I am working on 2 small projects at the moment inbetween customer quilts. The quilt above is the challenge quilt from our "Fancy Threads" group. We each contributed a 12" square piece of fabric and one embellishment to each participant. We had 6 people particapting, so we had a nice selection of fabrics and embellishments to work with. We each received the same materials and had just 3 rules to follow: We have to use a recognizable amount of each fabric and embellishment; the size could be from 4x6" to 30x30", and we could add any additional fabric and embellishments we wanted. The deadline is the 4th Sunday of June, so I need to get moving on this one.

I finally decided that I needed to make a quilt that reflected my business name "Sunrise Quilt Studio". So here is the work so far. It's fused and made from my hand-dyed fabrics. The quilt will become the logo of my business and appear on my business cards, letterhead, etc.


Tennye said…
I love both of these, but the top one is really cute.
Linda said…
Beautiful! What a fitting logo!!!
GerryART said…
Great guns, Susan, lookin' good.

Fancy Threads is truly giving motivation to the lot of us.

Michele Bilyeu said…
Absolutely lovely and SO perfect for you!!!

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