In Memory of Heather

My niece Heather passed away suddenly at the age of 22 from a massive stroke. Her doctors were not able to determine the cause. However, Heather left a legacy behind in her gift of organ donation. Within hours of her death, she had saved the lives of 7 people. Many more lives will be touched in the weeks to come.

Heather was completing her externship as a medical assistant. It was a career she was passionate about. Heather was a bubbly, animated person and found fun in many things in life.

Rock climing in Arizona with cousins.

Dressing up like her Uncle Paul in Texas.

Playing in the surf in Galveston.

Carving pumpkins for Halloween.

Heather, we miss you more than we can say. You left this world much too soon, but you left behind lots of happy memories, love, and joy. One day we will see you again when it is our turn to leave this world and join you  in heaven.

Love you bunches,
Aunt Susan


Michele Bilyeu said…
Oh, heart goes out to you and to all of Heather's family. The loss of someone so young is so huge and so challenging. How lovely to have such beautiful photos of a life that was obviously richly lived. Big, big hug for this enormous loss!! What a beautiful and special young woman. I am so deeply sorry.
twodraftmom said…
Susan, my prayers are with you and heather's family. My heart breaks for you all. Claire
Susan, what a beautiful girl Heather was. The insight her gifts of organ donation has made will be reverberated through so many lives. I am so sorry for your loss, God really does take the best at a young age. Thinking of you through this difficult time.
GerryART said…
My heart felt sympathy, Susan
Susan my prayers are with you and your family through this loss of Heather, and my prayers are with the families that she has touched with her unselfish gift of being an organ donor. You may never know the true amount of good that has come from those Heather touched with her brief journey here on earth - but God knows and He will comfort your family in this time of separation Love to you, karen O in TX

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