Planners I Use for Organization

Planners have been a part of my life for a very long time. When I was working in a management position planners were essential to keep me on track with all the meetings I had to attend and all the interviews I conducted. My life was very fast-paced and chaotic and the timed planner was what kept me sane!

Last year with the cancer diagnosis and going through chemotherapy, I used my calendar in my phone to keep up with all the surgeries, treatments, labs, and doctor appointments. I needed the reminders the phone sent me to help me get to where I needed to be each day.

This year things are much calmer and slower paced. I don't need a timed planner. I still used my phone to schedule appointments, but fortunately I don't have near as many as I did last year. This year I bought a Happy Planner to help me with my work and home life. Even though I am not as busy, I find that I have problems remembering things if I don't write them down. It's a side affect of the chemotherapy. The Happy Planner is fun with being able to decorate it however I want with stickers and inspirational quotes. Books of stickers are available at several chain stores, and most importantly, it has been working!

For my quilting, I made my own planner. It is a composition notebook divided into sections. One section for each quilting project. There I can write down the videos I want to make and the steps I need to complete the videos. I sketch out quilting designs I am considering for each quilt. I also make notes on the video files I have made on each quilt and organize them before loading them into the video editing software.

The cover for the quilting planner is made from peltex and fabric that I have quilted. It is closed with an elastic hair tie and a button. That is the blue planner with the large lace heart on the front in the photo above. I have added pockets for pens and pencils and a larger pocket to store extra papers.

The planners on the ends in the photo above are Travel Notebooks. They are made with an elastic system holding booklets inside. They also close with an elastic with a charm attached. I have made my booklet inserts from scrapbook paper that are bound by stitching the down the center of the stack of papers with my sewing machine. I use these notebooks to plan trips I plan to take.

A video I published on You Tube showing these planners is below:


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