Back to Routine

We had a great weekend with family visiting and a BBQ on Monday. Our old BBQ pit didn't make the move so we bought a new one that took Paul and I almost 2 hours to put together. I'm not certain that my "helping" was really helping speed things up-ha!

The girls had fun spending time with their cousins. They found that this new house has lots of places to hide when you're playing hide-and-seek.

I also spent most of Friday and Saturday sewing up new curtains. Hannah wanted curtains that matched the theme of her bedroom, so we bought pirate themed fabric and I stitched up a valance for her. She didn't want full curtains so the valance worked out great. I also stitched up a valance for the window over my kitchen sink and for Caleb's room. He had a pink ruffled valance in that room - a bit too girly, so I bought a green hand-dyed look fabric and made curtains out of that.

There is a Jo-Ann's store 2 miles from the house :D So nice to be able to drive just a few minutes to purchase fabric as opposed to 45 minutes from our RS house. There is also a local quilt guild that meets once a month just a few miles from the house, so I'll be able to join. Their meetings are in the evening after Paul gets off work so he can babysit the girls while I'm at meetings. I'm looking forward to being a part of the guild.

Today we are back to our normal routine - work, school, and homeschool. We're all a bit tired after the weekend, but life goes on! Sarah is progressing in her handwritting and reading. Hannah is joining a watercolor club that is being held after school today. She's looking forward to that. I'm catching up on laundry and house cleaning and hope to find a few minutes to get some patchwork done.


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