Paul and I finally got the quilting machine put back together last week and I'm ready to get started quilting :D I hope to have the additional lighting put in this week so I can see better. The room is pretty dark as it is.

My business license should be here in a week or 2 and then I'll be ready for business. In the meantime, I'm going to try to get caught up on a few of my own quilts. I have a basket quilt made with 30's reproduction fabrics and a couple of art quilts to finish. I'll post photos of them once I get them quilted.

We should be making a trip down to Reeds Spring in about 2 or 3 weeks. I'll try to make some contacts once I know for certain when we'll be down, and I can pick up quilts at that time.

Hannah has joined a watercolor club at school and is enjoying learning new ways to paint. The club prints the artwork into cards, postcards and posters for the kids to sell so they can pay for the art supplies they use.

Sarah is continuing to homeschool and is enjoying the hands-on activities we are doing this year. Right now we are studying weather with lots of projects to make such as books and graphs and calendars as well as some experiments. Her Bible study is also a hands-on class and she really likes all the crafts we are making.

For now, I'm trying to get everything unpacked and then remember where I put it-ha!


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