Accomplishing Little

I've been sick since last Saturday :( I caught the flu! UGH!!! I'm on the mend now, but I sure don't have much in the way of energy just yet. I keep thinking of the quilts waiting for me to finish and would love to head down to the studio and get working, but I don't have the stamina I need to get much accomplished. Hopefully by Monday I'll be back to normal - energy-wise and will get back to routine.

Luckily, I kept the flu to myself and no one else has become sick with it so far. Hannah is on antibiotics for an ear infection but she feels much better.

I missed church last Sunday so Paul took the baby quilts in for me. They should be on their way to the orphanage by now.

Since I didn't do much this past week, there really isn't much to tell. Sarah did great while I was sick. She watched movies, played games on the computer and played with her toys. It doesn't take much to entertain her. I think she'll be ready to get back to her school routine on Monday, though.



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