
Tuesday I finished Lorraine's 30's Repo Quilt. It turned out very well. The next quilt is Ginny's art quilt. It will be a few more days before I get started on it.

I've been forced to take a few days off due to illness again-ugh! I spiked a temperature again Tuesday night with flu-like symptoms. I rescheduled the thyroid ultrasound that I was supposed to have yesterday for next week Thursday. The labwork is also put on hold until I'm back to normal. I don't want the lab values to be thrown out of whack because I've been ill. These are my usual yearly blood tests. The ultrasound is to see if the hot spots on my thyroid are getting any bigger. I haven't had an ultrasound done since I was first diagnosed back in 1993. My new doctor thought it was about time to take a closer look.

Today I started feeling a bit better in the afternoon. I slept most of the morning off and on. I had Mot do her school work on the computer the past 2 days. She likes having some variety between book and worksheet work and working on the computer. She has a Reader Rabbit CD ROM for reading that she likes to work with. It helps her with phonics.

Mot also finished up her 1st grade math workbook on Monday. I've got to get well enough to make a run to Barnes and Noble to buy the 2nd grade workbook. I'm hoping to do that tomorrow. Homeschooling works so well for Mot. She can work at different grade levels in different courses. She's still in 1st grade reading, but 2nd grade math. We've been doing science and social studies in grades 2 and 3 utilizing the books we have from when Hannah homeschooled.

Back to quilting - I designed a quilt a few months ago that I haven't gotten around to piecing yet. I looked at the pattern a while today, but didn't have the energy to get started on it. I hope to get started in the next week or so. The Rhapsody quilt I designed is put on hold until I find the fabric I want to us in it. I may try and hand dye fabric for it. I have they dye so I just need to get the time to dye the fabric. Then again I probably need more fabric. I don't think I have enough bleached muslin to make the entire quilt.

Hannah has a Plaid Pigs quilt kit that she wants me to make up for her, too. We bought this last spring at the KAL quilt show in Kimberling City. Hannah originally thought she might want to make it Plaid Pengquins instead of pigs, but tonight she told me she wanted to make it just like the pattern. So that's another project to add to the list :D



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