Book Review and Quilt Donations

I've been contemplating the quilting design for Jeri's star quilt and couldn't make up my mind what to do with it. Once I had the quilt on the machine it didn't look the same and now I'm not so sure about the custom treatment.

My inventory of pantos didn't spark my imagination, so I spent my Joann's coupon and bought a copy of Cheryl Barnes' "Quilting Dot-to-Dot". Ahhhh, now we're cooking! I've chosen 2 patterns I think will go well with the quilt and just have to chose between them. Hopefully I'll get some time tomorrow to quilt.

Today was a busy day with appointments, so no time for quilting. Once I get this quilt done, I want to finish a quilt or 2 for the people affected by Ike. If you are interested in donating a quilt, check out Karen's blog for details. The people on the Texas coast need a lot of help and quilts. Please help out if you can.



Anonymous said…
I'm dying to see the pattern you chose. Hope you have a chance to take a pic soon!
Kathleen said…
Cannot wait to see the quilt and what you quilt on it. Kathy from the Blig Blog

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