Quilting Lessons

This is a photo of a Twisted Square quilt I made several years ago on a day when I wanted immediate satisfaction from my work. It's a small wallhanging and used fat quaters. It was fun and quick and a pattern I had not used before.
My oldest daughter is starting a chapter in geometry in her math book this week. Since I love to inject hands-on projects into homeschooling whenever I can, nothing will do but to design and make a quilt! Even though this Twisted Square quilt is a great quilt for reinforcing the properties of angles, we are going to start with a quilt using squares and rectangles for ease of sewing. We'll get to the Twisted Square next.
I brought home a book from the library that has a really fun set of blocks that should be easy to sew together into a top. It's "Wonder Blocks: Stack, Cut, Sew and Go", by Terry Martin. She gives the patterns for 7 different blocks in her book and directions for using them in 4 different quilts. My daughter and I designed 6 additional blocks yesterday. I'm anxious to get started on the piecing but that will have to wait until next week.
Today is "art day" and we'll be carving pumpkins and practicing Japanese ink painting. What fun!
The house deep cleaning is done except for a couple of windows that need to have kitty nose prints cleaned off of them. All that is left is a bit of touch-up cleaning. Whewww! I'm glad that's done!
You will notice a Halloween photo on my sidebar. Mel from My Own Place has "Boo'ed" me! The rules are to go to as many friends as you want and tell them they've been "BOO-ed". Have them link back to your blog to pick up their Halloween Treat (picture) and tell them to Boo their friends. Then put the picture in your side bar so everyone knows that you've already been "Boo-ed" and to send the picture to someone else.
Thanks Mel, and Happy Halloween!


Anonymous said…
Pretty Square in a square block! I know Karen is doing that block too. One day I will give it a try.

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