Finished Quilts

I finally got my daughters gathered up and wrapped up in heavy coats and we made our trip to run errands. I stopped by the fabric store to buy small pieces of silk and satin to practice quilting new feather designs for the wholecloth quilt. I'll bind the practice pieces and use them as samples once they are done. We arrived home just in time. The back deck was covered with ice from where the rain water had frozen. It won't be long and the roads will be icy, too.

Here is a photo of the completed Dick and Jane quilt. It's all quilted and bound and ready for wrapping up for Christmas.

This photo shows the back of the Dick and Jane quilt detailing the quilting. I used Mary Covey's Apple design.

This is the finished Mystery Quilt. I have to decide on a name for this quilt. It gives me the impression of lattice work. Any suggestions?

My customer's embroidered snowmen quilt is also done and ready to go home to it's owner. It's been a productive week.
Now back to feathers :)


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