
I made this quilt a few years ago when I was working on my Filigree patterns. This little quilt is trapuntoed with a 6.6oz batting and a Soft and Bright main batting. The background is McTavishing. This is one of the quilts I use as a sample for my customers who want McTavishing in their quilts.
I took time out from quilting to spend time with family at Christmas. Even though we were all here at home and we didn't do any traveling, we had a nice day here. We are used to traveling or visiting relatives on Christmas day. Our son came and spent several days with us, so it was a nice week.
My oldest DD helped me with cooking. That's quite a feat since she doesn't like to cook ;) She made a batch of chocolate chip cookies one day, and on Christmas Eve she helped with the entire meal. I had precooked a turkey the day before so we had only the trimmings to fix. Mashed potatoes, rolls, lemon and basil carrots, scalloped mushrooms, etc. All my families favorites. Christmas morning we had our traditional Puff Pancake with strawberries - yummm!
Today I started the McTavishing on the satin and silk wedding gown quilt. The silk decided to give me a bit of trouble by folding up in a couple of places near the top of the quilt while I was quilting. I spent twice as much time unquilting as I did quilting today :( McTavishing takes a long time to rip out.
I still have to figure out how to fix those areas as when I re-quilted them, the fabric folded up again! I decided to leave them for now and continue quilting and go back to those areas later on. I think I may need to take the quilt off the machine and rip out those areas and reload the quilt before quilting it again. I'm going to try spray starch on those areas before quilting them again to see if I can gain some control.
Overall the quilt is looking really nice, but I still have several more days work on it until it will be done.


Millie said…
Your whole cloth quilt is absolutely beautiful! Great job done on the "Mc Tavishing".
Susan Loftin said…
Thank you Millie. I think McTavishing is a pretty filler.

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