New Wholecloth Design

This little quilt top doesn't have a title yet. It's about 27 inches square using a very fine, smooth Robert Kaufmann muslin. All the designs are from Irena Bluhm's book "Start With a Blank Slate". I'm making this quilt to play around with colored pencils. It will be a couple of weeks before I get around to quilting it and even longer before the coloring is completed. I have to finish several customer quilts first.


Do you mind if I ask what you use to mark your designs? Janet
I love Irena's designs -- have several of her books but have yet to play. Bravo for at least having it drawn out so now it's in your to do pile! Will be eager to see it when it's done.
SandyQuilts said…
Your store link has an error .. it should read

Terrific ... can't wait to see the finished project.
Maggie A said…
WOW, you sure are into wholecloths....I have yet to do one. By the way the links for Irene aren't working.

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