Color Wheel

Value and Color is the next set of lessons. This is a color wheel made from fabric as well as a gray-scale value run and a black and white scale value run. This tool isn't finished. I am still looking for 2 colors for the color wheel, and I need to tweak the gray-scale and black/white scale a bit. They look fine close up, but from a distance they aren't in the best order for a value run. I need solid gray fabrics for the gray-scale - I didn't realize how hard it would be to find solid gray fabric in 7 shades! Three of the black and white prints are too close to the same value. I need to change at least 2 of these fabrics.

I have received a few comments about the white background on my compositions and thought I would explain a bit more about why I'm using white. First it's because that is what the instructions say to use - I don't always follow the directions to the letter, but this time I did ;) Secondly the reason the author gives for the black on white compositions is that "the extreme value change of black and white allows you to easily see the positive and negative relationships." Since these compositions are design tools, I decided to follow the advice of the author and use the black on white. I do agree that an orange background would be striking, though.


yarnahoy said…
Love the instructions & examples on your blog.

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