Nature Close Up

I'm feeling a bit better today, and hope to be back to what is normal (for me) tomorrow. I need to get back to quilting on Monday. I lost 3 days quilting with being sick this week.

Here are a few photos I took with the macro setting on my digital camera back on July 4th. The photo above is a small bush in our front yard. I don't know the name of it, but I love the color. Evidently some bugs like this plant, too, from the looks of the chewed leaves.
This photo is some rain drops that collected on a leaf of one of our sedum plants.

This is the tip of a yew branch.
I think they could make some interesting quilts for the "Color and Composition" book I have been working through.


Barb said…
You have a good eye...and wonderful pictures and quilts.

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