
I'm still under the weather with this virus, so here's another photo of our canyon tour back in 2006. This is a photo of the Wigwam Motel near Holbrook, AZ. These are motel rooms made out of concrete. They park vintage automobiles out front of some of the rooms.

This is nostalgic for me since my family stayed in one of the rooms back in 1962 on a family trip from Missouri to California. I believe we were on our way back home when we stayed here. I wasn't even old enough to go to school then, but I do remember these fun motel rooms.

My brother and I enjoyed spending a few minutes here on our canyon tour, visiting a place we remembered from childhood.
Then there is the log bridge in the Petrified Forest. We were allowed to walk across this bridge back in 1962, but now it isn't allowed. We have home movies of all us kids being walked across the bridge by our dad and grandfather.

It's nice to see some things are still around.


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