2 More Doilies

These are the last 2 doilies - at least for awhile. I'm finally feeling well enough to get back to quilting, so crocheting doilies will take a backseat. The doily above started out from a pattern, but I could only get so far and then had problems. I tried 3 times, but could never get the pattern to work out, so I stopped where the problems started and finished it with my own pattern. This poor doily needs blocking, but it didn't turn out too badly.

Now this doily took me a week to complete. It isn't a difficult pattern, just a large doily that took almost an entire ball of #20 crochet cotton. I used a #8 crochet hook. The pattern is from Free Vintage Crochet and is Doily Number 7318.

My quilting projects will get some attention tomorrow. I have 4 small quilts for the foster child program to complete along with one customer quilt and several tote bags for another customer. My own quilts are waiting in line.

I found some 30's repro fabrics at the LQS and am itching to audition them with my vintage blocks and deciding which ones will work best with the fabrics. I have the feeling that I didn't buy enough fabric!


Tennye said…
The thread work on the new top picture is wonderful, did you do it? I am signed up for the thread painting class on Fiber Arts yahoo group. I am so excited about it.
Susan Loftin said…
Tennye- I made that flower after taking the bouquet thread painting class from Shirley. It's a skill I still need practice on, but it's lots of fun. I think you'll enjoy the thread painting classes.

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