Doily Mat

This piece is part of a set of doilies. I've only made 2 of the set so far. This is one of 4 small doilies, and there is a larger doily that I'll post tomorrow. The small doilies are 5 1/2" in diameter. I used #20 crochet cotton thread and a size 8 steel crochet hook.

Thank you everyone for the complements on these pieces. I enjoy having some handwork to do in the evenings while DH is watching TV and the kids are doing their crafts. I like to keep busy and I'm usually too tired to quilt on the machine in the evenings - I make too many mistakes quilting when I'm tired. It's much easier to crochet.

I have been searching the internet for vintage patterns - ones that remind me of the pieces of crochet lace and doilies that I have of my 2 grandmothers. The pattern for the doily mat and the Pineapple Lace Doily came from Free Vintage Crochet. I've also printed patterns from Craftbits and I'll post photos of the pieces I've made from those in a few days.


Susan J Barker said…
the doilies are great! opposite to you my fine crochet is not so great, my sister has made wonderful thread crochet pieces and I am no match -- maybe the trick is to crochet tight the way you are doing??? Or, perhaps I will just do baby afghans as that seems to be my forte, other than putting together a quilt that is...
Tennye said…
I am loving your vintage crochet patterns. I just got some that my great-grandmother made and I have thoughts of using them in a quilt. I think I may applique them to squares. My only problem is how to quilt them if I do it.

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