Colorful Weekend

I spent quite a bit of time this weekend dyeing fabric. After ordering a new supply of Procion Fiber Reactive Dyes from Dharma, I had to try them out. I've been using these dyes for 10 years, but ordered some different colors than what I had been using. This piece is a combination of Turquoise, Fire Red, and Bright Yellow. I fan folded the fabric, doubled it up and laid it in a plastic container. Then I poured on the dyes and let the fabric cure for 48 hours before washing it out.

This piece was dyed the same way using Turquoise, Fire Red and Deep Purple.

Another fan folded dyed fabric. This one has Bright Yellow, Turquoise, and Forest Green.

This is a scrunched piece. I stuffed the piece of fabric into a small jar and poured Forest Green over the top and let it soak through the fabric.

This photo shows my fabrics in their various containers while they cure. I have the dyes mixed and poured into water bottles. The water bottles don't drip like other bottles made for squirting dyes onto fabrics, but I still have trouble getting the dyes to go where I want them to go. I'm still searching for the perfect squirt bottle!


Karen S said…
Your hand-dyes are beautiful!
Susan Loftin said…
Thanks Karen. I love dyeing fabric.
Tennye said…
Wow what incredible fabrics, if I ever get completely caught up I want to try that.
Tennye said…
Wow, that is incredible, you have made some beautiful fabric. When I finally get completely caught up I want to try that. How will you use them?
Susan Loftin said…
Thanks Tennye. I'm not sure how I'll use them yet. They mostly show up in my landscape quilts but I have used them for pieced quilts, too.

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