Kitchen Rehab

I've been wanting to tile my kitchen backsplash ever since we moved into this house. This weekend I finally bit the bullet and got the job not only started, but completed! Once I got started, the tiles went up fairly quickly. The grouting went even faster.

DD#1 helped me pick out the tiles. I originally went for a bisque colored field tile with brown glass tiles in the 1" size, but DD#1 convinced me to switch to the white and black. I think this was the right choice for this kitchen. My biggest complaint has always been that this kitchen is too brown - brown wood floor, brown cabinets, and brown wall paint. It made me depressed everytime I walked into the kitchen. The bisque and brown tiles would have only added to the brown color that I don't like in the first place.

There is still a lot of work to be done in the kitchen. I painted it yellow 2 years ago, but it could use a fresh coat of paint. I also need to refinish the cabinets and add some hardware. The cabinets are 20 years old and are showing their age.


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