Vintage Goose Track Blocks

I purchased 13 of these Goose Track blocks at an antique store/flea market in Arkansas last month. Most of them are hand stitched, but a few are machine stitched. None of them are the same.

 Some of the patches are pieced to make the fabric big enough for the patch - and not always with the same fabric as you may be able to see in the block below on the crossbar on the left.

The fabric in the background of this block shows 3 of the color variations the pattern came in. I  have been researching these blocks, but haven't determined the time frame for the fabrics. I'm looking for more resources for my research at this point.

The conversation print in this block is a child kicking a ball with a running dog.

Here is a red ground with the same print as the first photo. A yellow and brown floral print is also included.


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