Vintage Lonestar Quilt top

I purchased this Lonestar quilt top at an antique store in Mountain Home, Arkansas last month. I have never attempted to piece a Lonestar myself and jumped at the opportunity to own one. I haven't done any research on this top yet, so I don't have an estimated age. The star is hand pieced but the set in squares and triangles are machine pieced. The fabrics are all solid cottons with some chambray and denim. The top measures 83 x79 inches.

This top has some issues with fullness in the corner squares. The top had been laundered after piecing as is evidenced in the frayed edges of the border. Also, the denim pieces frayed and came loose from the stitching. I hand stitched the lose pieces back in place.
I haven't decided what to do about the frayed border. It will have to be trimmed in order for binding to attach securely, but I don't know if I will be able to keep the curve in the piecing, or if I'll have to cut it flush to make a straight edge. Decisions yet to be made.


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