
We are almost completely unpacked. I still have to unpack some books and organize things. The wiring for the computer doesn't work in the familyroom where we want to put the computer, so for now we have it on the counter in the kitchen! Paul is going to do some re-wiring of telephone line so we can get the computer back on it's desk and then I can get the family room organized.

Hannah doesn't like school here as much as in Reeds Spring. She's willing to give it a try, but the first 2 days of school were mostly reviewing work for the coming year and classroom rules. She's bored! Hopefully it will get better as time goes on.

Sarah is doing well with her homeschool work. She's catching on to reading a lot better this year than last and she's really enjoying our science studies about mammals.

Once we get completely unpacked, I'll be doing some painting in the house. The bathrooms could all use fresh paint especially the 1/2 bath that has a sand-textured paint on it. The sellers left several cans of paint so I won't have to do any shopping - I can just use what we have on hand. So nice!

I wanted to post photos of our new house, but the cord I need to download photos from my digital camera didn't make it up here. It's still at the old house in a box. Paul may be making a trip down there this weekend to check on the house and bring back a few things and the camera cord is one of the things on his list. Once I get it I'll post some photos. Hannah took some gorgeous photos of the sunrise this morning. Maybe I should rename my business "Sunrise Quilt Studio" instead of "The Quilted Lily Studio". I'll have to ponder on that a bit :)



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