
I have decided to name my quilting business "Sunrise Quilt Studio". The sunrises we view from our deck are so pretty and I need a name that I can continue to use if we move again. This one seems to fit the bill in that respect. Now I have to file all the paperwork required by law to get this done.

Paul and Hannah are in Reeds Spring this weekend to pack up some of the items we left behind and bring them back here to Jefferson City. Paul and his brother Dave, took our old refrigerator back down to the Reeds Spring home and we'll be selling it with the house. We had a showing of the house on Friday, but so far we haven't heard anything back from the realtor. We have 5 weeks left on the contract with this realtor and we're hoping the house will be sold before the contract is up.

Hannah is making friends at her new school so things are going better for her now. She says that this new school is a lot different from her old school and it is taking a bit of adjusting for her. She's pretty resilient though, so she'll be fine.

I spent the weekend unpacking boxes of books. My books are all unpacked as well as the girls. Paul still needs to unpack and organize his books, but he hasn't had the time for that yet. I also got into the basement and unpacked as much of my quilting supplies as I can for the time being. We need to get some additional lighting installed for the quilting machine because the basement is so dark.

I came across a stack of quilt blocks left over from a quilt I made for a friend a year or so ago, as well as the fabric to make the blocks with. So, I decided to take a break and get in some piecing time. This will be a 30's basket quilt. I had enough fabric to make the blocks and borders, but will probably have to purchase more fabric for the alternate blocks. It felt good to be working at the sewing machine again :)

The list of changes to make in the house isn't too long, but they are things that need to be done, such as repainting the bathrooms, changing door locks, adding lighting in the basement, and buying curtains for the kitchen - which doesn't have any. The morning sun comes in through the sliding glass door in the kitchen and really heats up the room. That won't be a problem in the winter, but it is now when it's so hot outside.

I'm still rearranging the kitchen cabinets - finding places for everything so that they are conveniently located. We are slowly getting used to things.


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