New Beginnings!

We are getting settled into our new home. The past 2 weeks have been hectic with packing up the old house and trying to unpack the new one. Even though we had movers doing the work of packing and moving, it was tiring! So many decisions to make and questions to answer; keeping an eye on everything and trying to have some sense of normalcy for the kids. We are doing all the unpacking ourselves and are up to our knees in boxes and packing materials.

We spent 2 nights in hotels between the closing on the new house loan and moving in since there was a 3 day delay between the closing and the moving date. Even the kids got tired of eating out and eating convenience foods!

The neighborhood we are living in is very quiet. We have several hundred acres of vacant land behind us that helps with the quietness. Our lot is 1/2 acre and part of it is fenced so the dogs are happy to be near the house and to have plenty of space to romp - although it has been too hot to do much more than lay on the deck and pant! The day we moved in was 106 degrees!

The view from our deck is gorgeous! I'll be posting photos of it. It will be interesting to see it in the fall with all the changing leaf colors - a good inspiration for a landscape quilt :D

My quilting machine is still in pieces in the basement, but I hope to have it up and running over Labor Day weekend. We're having visitors that weekend that I hope to recruit to help us put the machine together. I'll be ready to quilt then. We'll be making changes to the basement to finish it off, but that will come with time.

Hannah's first day at Thomas Jefferson Middle School was today. It was a mediocre day with getting used to a much larger school and a new group of kids. They mostly had orientation today. Hopefully she'll be more enthusiastic about school in a few weeks when they get a routine established.

Caleb starts college at OTC tomorrow. He is still living in Reeds Spring for the time being and working at Ozark Mountain Resort.

Sarah is homeschooling again this year. We started our school year today with reading, writing, spelling, science, math and social studies. It was a full day.


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