More Postcards and a Scripture Quilt

Here is a set of landscape postcards I have just finished for an exchange on Valerie Hearders yahoo groups. The postcard with the white mountain range is for my youngest DD. She wanted me to make her a postcard that looks like one of my landscape quilts that is hanging in my studio. I don't have any detail on the postcard yet, but will add the rock outcroppings with a fabric marker later. The beach scenes will also get some detail added with fabric markers before being mailed out.

This scripture quilt was made for a church friend who is dealing with cancer. The white patches have a scripture verse written with fabric marker, then I had other church members sign their names and write messages on the quilt. I designed a simple block to give lots of room for writing but still allowing lots of color. My goal was to make a cheerful, encouraging quilt.


TracyC said…
I can't believe how fast you put the Scripture quilt together. It looks great!
Chantelle said…
I love the Scripture quilt. What a beautiful gift.
Carol said…
Your landscape postcards look very pretty.

The quilt is gorgeous. Sometimes the simple ones turn out the best :) Lovely thought to have everyone contribute.

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