Vacation Photos

We spent a week at Lakeview Resort in Sunrise Beach last week. The weather was mostly cold and rainy, but the fishing was pretty good.

This is a photo of the cabin we stayed in. We were right on the edge of the water with a boat dock just below us.

Here is a photo of the view from our cabin.

The resort has an indoor pool and hot tub!

Here is another water view close to the cabin.

There weren't many vacationers the week we were there, but it is off-season. It was kind of nice to have the resort mostly to ourselves.
My DH and the girls caught enough fish to fillet and cook up for dinner. We also spent time swimming in the indoor pool, and playing on the playgrounds - they have 2!
This was a great place for a family vacation. We hope to be able to vacation there again in the years to come.


Carol said…
Looks like a lovely place to visit.
What a nice place! I could use that hot tub right about now. Glad your family had a nice vacation.

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