Orphan Block Find

This week we are taking a family vacation at a lake resort near our home. The weather has turned from the 70's to the 30's and yesterday instead of fishing we explored a couple of antique shops/flea markets. I found a plastic bag filled with 29 T-blocks. Most are hand-stitched and from feedsack cloth. Only about 5 were machine stitched using woven cotton cloth.

This block is made from a plaid and a floral.

I love the contrasting colors in these blue and yellow fabrics.
The blocks were all in amazing shape although the edges of some of the pieces are fraying a bit. I don't know if or when I'll find the time to put the blocks together in a setting, but I hope to soon.


TracyC said…
What a find! The girls and I are studying The Depression--can't wait to show them these pictures.
Carol said…
Looks like you got yourself an interesting find there.

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