Fun for a Rainy Day

Yesterday started out with an intense thunderstorm that lasted off and on most of the day. Since we have a "No Electronics" rule during thunderstorms, I had to find something to keep the girls busy. I got out the fabric paints, ironed bleached muslin to freezer paper and cut it into 4.5x6.5" rectangles and let them go for it.

These are my oldest DD's results.

Above is the "Electric Bunny"!
This one is "Purple Flower".

Then we have " Red Heart."

And last by not least, " Streaks and Splatter".
DD #1 thought it was strange that I wanted her to give a title to all her postcards. But, then she thinks I'm strange anyway-ha!
I finished the postcards by fusing the artwork to Peltex, adding a backing fabric, trimming to 4x6", then satin stitching the edges.
All these will be mailed to Shirley for Carma House.


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