Southwest Landscape

This is how I left the Southwest Landscape on my design wall today. I've been playing around with the pieces off and on, and stopped at this point. Nothing is fused yet, only pinned in place. After living with it on the wall for a few days, I'll decide if I need to change anything and then fuse things down. The thread painting will come next.

So far this piece is 36x42". It will get some borders with more embellishment before I'm through.

This is a class given by Shirley on Learning Fiber Arts Yahoo group. Check out her blog to see some of her amazing work.


I love your sky fabric!
Shirley said…
Wonderful job! Your landscape is turning out very well indeed. I can hardly wait to see it when you have finished quilting. It is such a
pleasure for me to see the finished classes - This one was fun, at least it was for me when I did the first one!

I like your colors and your fabrics.
Shirley (learningfa)

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