More Rainy Day Fun

These postcards are DD#2's work from yesterday's stormy day distraction.
She loved the sparkly fabric paint - mostly the red sparkly paint!
I encouraged her to use more than red in this one. Purple and red look good together as the Red Hat Society would attest to!

We're back to mostly red on this one.
DD#2 didn't title any of her postcards. She didn't get the concept and Yes, she also thinks I'm strange ;)


TracyC said…
Hahahha--yes, she thinks you're strange. Been there, seen that reaction from my daughters. I think the postcards are lovely.
Susan J Barker said…
sometimes things just don't want to have a name, or like cats, they just don't want humans to know what that name is...

I love postcards of any sort - such a quick and easy project, done in no time and satisfying, too,

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