
My new design wall is in working order. I pinned up the Southwest wallhanging I've been working on to keep it in my line of vision while I'm quilting at the machine. It still has the zippered leaders attached to it so it will be quick to reload onto the machine when I find the time to work on it.
I've made a few changes to my blog. I have a new background and I've deleted a few things from the side bar for one. I also removed the "response" option below the posts. Evidently my posts have been boring someone recently and they've been letting me know about it. But I realized that wasn't helpful because I have no idea what they feel is boring! Instead of changing the options, I just deleted it completely. Now if my posts bore you, write me a comment and tell me what it is that bores you - the topic, the photos, etc.

Here are some fabrics I bought a few weeks ago to make a wallhanging sample for our local quilt shop. I haven't found the time to work on this quilt, so they are still laying on the cutting table waiting for me. I decided to take in 2 other finished quilts to the shop for samples instead. One of these days I'll find the time to piece this quilt.


SandyQuilts said…
I can't believe the rudeness of people. You are NOT boring.

I have you in my and enjoy all of your postings. Keep it up.
Susan Loftin said…
Thank you Sandy. It's nice to know that you enjoy reading my blog.
Barb said…
I can't believe that someone would say that, they don't have to read it....they don't even have to come and visit...that was sooooo uncalled for. Besides, do they know what boring is? They probably watch golf and bowling on have a wonderful blog and I enjoy your scenes that you turn out with material....
Susan Loftin said…
Thank you Barb. Your words mean a lot to me.
Elaine said…
I really love the quilt on your wall. This is the first time I ever came to your site, so I'm not sure if you're boring or not. I enjoy good quilts though, like the one on your wall. My blog is probably boring. But it's a good record keeper of what I do, and my parents and sister seem to enjoy it.
Janet Hartje said…
You do have to be prepared to meet many people in the blogging world whether you want to or not. I have found that to be true as well. I have learned a great deal from many of your posts and truly appreciate you sharing your skill with the rest of us. Thank you Janet

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