Retro Fitting

Tomorrow my machine is traveling to Gammill headquarters in West Plains, MO to be retro fitted to a Plus machine!  I'm so excited. I've worked with this machine for over 7 years without a stitch regulator, but the more I work, the more I realize how helpful a stitch-regulator will be.

So here is the last photo of my machine in it's old life. It will come back home with a whole new look! You can see my screw driver laying on the table ready to remove parts that don't need to make the trip.

This is a block on the machine that I've stabilized by SID around the blocks and borders. I've also quilted the design in the outer border, but haven't gotten any further. It will be the first quilt to be completed with the new stitch regulator. Stitching around those flowers, leaves and stems should be a lot easier with the stitch regulator. The quilt is coming off the machine tonight so we can get the head loaded into the van for it's trip tomorrow.


Millie said…
Congratulations on getting the new upgrade to your machine. You will love the stitchregulator! The quilt on your frame is so pretty and you will have so much fun with your "new" machine.
Janet Hartje said…
Congratulations! How exciting for you.

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