
Here are photos of some of the flowers I took on our nature walk on Saturday.

First is a thistle. DH wondered why I wanted to photograph a plant that is a problem to farmers. Being raised on a farm doesn't care much for thistles, but I like the color and texture of the blossoms.

Then there were thousands of these yellow daisies.

Milkweed was also abundant in the conservation area.
Then there were flowers that I can't identify but thought were pretty.
This one lookes like a pansy only it's trumpet shaped.
These tiny flowers grew in clusters on a bush. I know they are common around here, but I can't think of the name.
These flowers were planted in front of the nature center building.
These tiny trumpet shaped flowers were very delicate looking.


Barb said…
Loved taking a walk with you, the fowers are beautiful!!
Anonymous said…
Susan, Your pictures are wonderful and I truly enjoyed seeing them. I check your Blog often.
Janet Hartje said…
Gorgeous flowers. thanks for sharing.

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