30's Reproduction

This baby quilt is made from 30's repro fabrics with unbleached muslin. This is a customer quilt and is one of two quilts she made from 30's repro fabrics. The 2nd quilt is still on the frame, but almost complete.

A close-up of the quilting.

DH and I are working on enlarging my studio space :D  We're cleaning out the storage side of the basement and will set up a cutting table in that space. I haven't decided what else to include, but will have a better idea of the usable space once we're done clearing out stuff. Oh, the possibilities!


Millie said…
What a beautiful 30's repoduction quilt. I love the blue, yellow and green together and the feather quilting makes the quilt.
GerryART said…
Love your quilting.
Thought I'd better get over here and Follow you here as well as our ning website.

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