Computer Woes

I don't have any photos to publish today. My computer crashed last week on Wednesday and I just got it back from the Geek Squad this afternoon. Anti-viral software didn't catch a couple of viruses and they did my computer in :(

The computer is working much better than it has in almost 4 months, but I all my photos and other files are on a new external hard drive and I haven't had time to plug it in. That will have to wait for another day.

DH and I spent Saturday morning cleaning out the basement getting it ready for the rest of the drywall installation. It is up now and waiting for taping and mudding which will probably be done next weekend. Then I'll paint the walls and shop for new flooring. I'm leaning towards vinyl flooring of some kind. I'm also going to rearrange the studio and purchase a couple of tables to make a larger cutting table. It should be a much more pleasant place to work once it's all completed.

Yesterday I finished a sweater I have been knitting for 2 months. I made it out of acrylic yarn by Red Heart in Monet color-way. I had to take it apart once and make some changes in order to get it to fit well. Now that I have the pattern figured out, I'm making a 2nd sweater - this one using Wool-Ease by Red-Lion Yarns. I'll post photos on these 2 sweaters soon.


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