Two New Quilts and an Award

My new wholecloth quilt is finally off the frame and ready to rinse and block. This photo is the back of the quilt. The front is full of marks from the water soluble pen as well as water-soluble thread. After it's blocked, it will be ready for binding and a label. It needs a name yet, but I haven't made up my mind about that yet. The plan is to enter it into MQS as well as the Missouri River Quilt Guild Show, and the Missouri State Fair this year.

This is a photo of appliques auditioning on background fabric. Or should I say, the background fabric is being auditioned. I made the pattern for the cat from a photo of my own calico cat. I haven't added her eyes yet. They will be painted on after the quilting is done. The greenery is yet to be cut out, and the entire composition needs to be decided. This has been a fun project - something I needed after the past year full of stressful life events.

The Wedding Gown quilt won "Most Unusual Quilt" at the customer's quilt guild show! Congratulations Pat! Pat has also applied for the quilts' entry into Paducah. Wish her luck.


GerryART said…
your work is truly beautiful.
vivian said…
Your wholecloth is beautiful!Good luck at MQS!
Betty said…
Your work is stunning. I give you a first place ribbin on all your work. I envy you.
Debbie said…
your wholecloth quilts are just spectacular......
Carol said…
Hi Susan. Your whole cloth looks wonderful and congratulations on the wedding dress award.
If you visit my blog I have left an award for you. The tag is at Friday's post and your blog is mentioned in Monday's blog.

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