Turn of the Century Sampler Quilt

The quilt above is made from turn of the century quilt blocks that belong to my mother-in-law and were made by her grandmother. She had asked me some time ago to put them into a quilt for her, but I couldn't find fabrics that would complement the blocks until just recently. The border, sashing and cornerstones are reproduction fabrics from Moda. The block above is called Four Crowns. This one is made from cotton fabrics. However, the other blocks with this pattern are made from flannel as well as cotton. The pinwheel block above is a 13 inch block. The other blocks were 15 inches. So to make up the difference, I added a 1 inch border using the blue reproduction fabric to make it the same size as the other blocks. Most of the quilting is all straight line quilting expect for these blocks. I used 2 of my circle rulers to make the design in the pinwheel. This Virginia Reel block was quilted using 1/4 inch outline quilting to emphasize movement in this block....