Planners I Use for Organization

Planners have been a part of my life for a very long time. When I was working in a management position planners were essential to keep me on track with all the meetings I had to attend and all the interviews I conducted. My life was very fast-paced and chaotic and the timed planner was what kept me sane! Last year with the cancer diagnosis and going through chemotherapy, I used my calendar in my phone to keep up with all the surgeries, treatments, labs, and doctor appointments. I needed the reminders the phone sent me to help me get to where I needed to be each day. This year things are much calmer and slower paced. I don't need a timed planner. I still used my phone to schedule appointments, but fortunately I don't have near as many as I did last year. This year I bought a Happy Planner to help me with my work and home life. Even though I am not as busy, I find that I have problems remembering things if I don't write them down. It's a side affect of the chemot...