Hawaiian Fabric Haul

We returned from a trip to Hawaii two weeks ago. Before leaving the islands, I had to shop for Hawaiian print fabrics. I found Fabric Mart and spent almost 2 hours in this warehouse-style store shopping for fabrics. There were so many to choose from that I had trouble narrowing it down! With my husbands help I narrowed it down to 8 fabrics. The photo above shows 5 of them. The 3 bottom prints are Hawaiian prints, the top 2 are a hand-dyed and a batik. I chose the fabrics to coordinate together with the idea of making a quilt. Now to get the courage to cut into them! I am thinking a big block quilt and am looking at different patterns. I haven't decided on a design yet, but then I am in the middle of a different quilting project at the moment. A double wedding ring is on the machine.